High Country – December 2018
This was the clubs inaugural off road trip. Our first camp, and meeting place, was Black Flat on the Upper Dargo Road, next to the Dargo River. The first thing we all noticed upon our arrival at camp were the cicadas. They were very loud. However, down at the river they could barely be heard. Since it was very hot, we spent a fair bit of the first two days down in the river.

Our first stop on this day trip was Harrison’s Cut (pictured left). This 50m gold diversion sluice forms part of the Dargo River and was created around the 1880’s. It was a popular spot with plenty of visitors during the time we were there.
We engaged low range for an enjoyable climb up and out of the valley via Matheson Spur Track. Views were spectacular once at the top and we noticed a pretty good drop in temperature as we climbed too. Our next stop was Bullock Head Saddle and then Treasures Huts for morning tea. We then went to the historic township of Grant. In the 1890’s there were once over 2,000 people who lived there.

We left Grant and descended Bulltown Spur Track, a very good and steep decent down to the Crooked River. There are 24 river crossings on the Crooked River Track, the majority of which are all very basic. Although the first one we encountered, traveling from north to south (pictured right) was a small challenge for one of the vehicles.
After Crooked River, we drove through the busy campsite at Talbotville and then began our climb up Collingwood Spur Track. The track was dry and dusty and it had clearly had a lot of traffic recently as it was chewed out in spots. The temperature was nudging 38 degrees, and as the vehicles were working hard, we had to be mindful of the temperature gauge. Then it was back to camp for a swim.
The next day we packed up camp and headed up Stock Route Track – an enjoyable but steep climb out the opposite side of the same valley we’d done the day before. We headed to Dog’s Grave for morning tea and the site of the ADA hut. We carried on back via Birregun Road and then turned off onto Messmate Spur Track. We meandered along and next to a river for a while and then a very steep climb with much shale, up Dane’s Link Track. The camping place for the night was Camm’s Top Place. It was initially going to be a late lunch, but it was a lovely place and we had it to our selves we decided to turn it into the nights camp.
The next day we left early (8am). The first challenge was Murdering Spur Track. This was a very steep and rough track. Our destination was Buckwong Hut, via Omeo and Dawson City. Buckwong Hut was very crowded, maybe 30 or more vehicles.

The next day we did a short drive to the Poplars via Buckwong Track and McCarthy’s Track. This very near the begging of the Murry River.
See newsletter #5, February 2019 for the full trip report

Jam making – December 2018
We had a glorious day for berry picking and subsequent jam making. Eight of us turned up to Blue Hills Berry farm to get their sugar rush. The farm had loganberry, youngberry, blackberry, raspberry (3 types) and strawberry. The cost was 13:50 per person which included 500g of fruit and as much as you could eat.

After a few hours of picking, most people had what they needed, so we paid for the extra fruit and then it was off to Sandy and Alan’s place for the jam making.
See newsletter #4, January 2019 for the full trip report

Christmas BBQ – November 2018
This is our first official trip as a club.
Mike and Meredith were up early (6:30 am) to secure a shelter at Cardinia Reservoir. They just got the one they wanted before a couple of others nabed it. The park is very well equipped, with free BBQs (which the club made use of), shelters with some seating and toilets.
The christmas tree was set up to get into the spirit of things. There was a great turnout and fun was had for all.
See newsletter #3, December 2018 for a full trip report